ตราเพิ่มเติมกฏหมาย อสังหาฯเข็นครกขึ้นภูเขาหลายองค์กรคัดคัานว่า“ขายชาติ”ส่วนภาครัฐกับ18สมาคมอสังหาฯชี้เป็นการช่วยหมุนเวียนเศรษฐกิจ.
     ดร.โสภณ  พรโชคชัยประธานศูนย์ข้อมูลวิจัยและประเมินค่าอสังหาริมทรัพย์ไทยและบจก.เอเจนซี่ ฟอร์เรียลเอสเตท แอฟแฟร์ส,นายกสมาคมการค้าอสังหาริมทรัพย์สากลฯลฯ ได้ออกมาแสดงข้อคิดเห็นโดยยื่นหนังสือถึง ฯพณฯนายกรัฐมนตรี เศรษฐาทวีสิน รวมทั้งนายวราวุธ ศิลปอาชา,นายอนุทิน ชาญวีรกูลนายภูมิธรรม เวชยชัยร.ม.ต.กระทรวงการพัฒนาสังคมและความมั่นคงของมนุษย์,ร.ม.ต.กระทรวงมหาดไทย,ร.ม.ต.กระทรวงพาณิชย์ ตามลำดับ โดยมีเนื้อหาใจความสรุปได้ดังนี้

Private Sector Urges Government Assistance for the Low-Income via Real Estate Initiatives : Real Estate Pulls GDP

Private Sector Urges Government Assistance for the Low-Income via Real Estate Initiatives : Real Estate Pulls GDP

Real Estate Trend: Up or Down Depends on Public and Private Sector Cooperation

At the ThaiBev Building in Bangkok, a discussion on "The Future of Thai Real Estate: Information for Public and Private Sector Planning" was held. The event was organized by the International Real Estate Federation (FIABCI-Thai) and the Thai Real Estate Research and Appraisal Center. Dr. Sophon Pornchokchai, a renowned Thai real estate expert, served as the organizer of the event and also participated as a speaker.


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 Real Estate Flourishes in the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) – A Prime Location as an Economic Hub
      The Thai government has injected TH฿330 billion into more than 90 projects aimed at catalyzing the development of the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC). This corridor encompasses three eastern provinces: Chachoengsao, Chonburi, and Rayong. Of these projects, 77 are funded by the government with a budget of 178,578 million baht, while 16 are undertaken by the private sector with a total investment of 159,219 million baht. The objective is to bolster the EEC's potential as a thriving economic hub. Key developments include high-speed rail connections between Bangkok and Hua Mak-Chachoengsao-Sriracha, as well as a special highway linking Bangkok and Aranyaprathet sub-district. These initiatives emphasize efficient transportation systems and a well-connected network, utilizing modern technology in public infrastructure development to optimize land, water, and air transport. These projects will be executed continuously from 2023 to 2028.

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EEC Opens Its Door : Real Estate Business Skyrockets :

Real Estate Gurus Suggest Matching Strategies to Build Networks and Investment in EEC

M.R. Chatumongkol Sonakul, former governor of the Bank of Thailand, pointed out that Thailand is still capable of controlling inflation well.


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2022, How real estate business survives the covid crisis - the Ukrainian-Russia war

The real estate business has not been affected much by the Ukrainian-Russia war. Foreign investors especially the Chinese have enjoyed buying 100 million baht luxurious condominiums in the Rama 9-Ratchada-Huay Kwang-Chinese embassy areas, as well as in popular tourist destinations like Phuket,Pattaya and Chiang Mai. Minister of Finance is ready to listen to every problem.



With the Spreading Wings of The Digital World 
Metaverse: The Recovery Gear for Real Estate Business


During the Covid pandemic, the real estate business is trying to survive by getting into the virtual world of metaverse marketing in order to increase the sales volume together with launching other new businesses for the modern world.


The Bank of Thailand has launched new measures to intensively expand the real estate business in 2022,

while the private sector uses "digital platform" as a marketing tool.


● The Bank of Thailand is taking the lead to help the government stimulate the real estate sector, hoping to grow proportionately by 9.8 of gross domestic product (GDP) after a heavy collapse in 2021 from the impact of Covid-19


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Real Estate Trends / Strategies to Cope with the COVID crisis (Part2)


The government has readjusted the economic growth target after the 4th wave outbreak of Covid-19


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 Real Estate Trends / Strategies to Cope with the COVID crisis

Challenging the public sector, the private real estate business is recovering during   COVID- 19. The economy has grown by 2.5-3.5+2. It will be speeding in 2023-2024. In the real estate business, the executives must be the role models of CSR. 


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